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About Us

Who We Are

Founded in 2021 by three lifelong friends, The Sunset Project is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to investing in the betterment of Northeast Michigan through creative-based and mental health programs.

Inspired by the loss of their friend, Sawyer Boyd, these three individuals committed themselves to finding unique ways to promote mental health awareness and facilitate creative-based change across Northeast Michigan. The organization has since developed three core programs, each with its own dynamic projects focused on improving the region and its communities.

Our Region

Alcona County
Alpena County
Iosco County
Montmorency County
Ogemaw County
Oscoda County
Presque Isle County

The Sawyer J. Boyd Creatives Grant

Our lead creative advancement opportunity for aspiring youth aged 16 to 23 providing individuals with the purchase of goods and / or services to expand their creative passion, hobby, or career.


Our community investment program focused on the betterment of Northeast Michigan through the development, implementation, and support of creative-based projects.

Northeast Michigan Wellness Initiative (NEMWI)

Our lead mental health-focused program working to raise awareness, end stigmas, and provide education about mental health through in-school programming and involvement in various community events.

Our Team

The Sunset Project team consists of nonprofit, creative, mental health, and business professionals, all working to achieve our mission across Northeast Michigan.

Our Team.jpg

News, Events and Updates

Our programs and projects work year-round mental health awareness and facilitate creative-based change across Northeast Michigan.

Interested in supporting our mission towards a better Northeast Michigan? Donate Today.

2005 Partridge Point Road

Alpena, Michigan 49707

The information provided on this website is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or mental health concerns.


Copyright 2024 The Sunset Project.

Our Mission

The Sunset Project is committed to investing in the betterment of Northeast Michigan through creative-based and mental health programs.

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